
Scenic highway reopens in NW China's Xinjiang


Scenic highway reopens in NW China's Xinjiang

2023-06-21 12:08:38 來源:ECNS.cn

 ?。‥CNS)-- The Dushanzi-Kuqa Highway in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, or Duku Highway, reopened to traffic on Sunday, sparking a surge in tourism during the Dragon Boat Festival。   

  For visitors to Xinjiang, the scenic road offers a unique chance to experience all four seasons in one day。 Statistics from the regional tourism department show that the highway logs the passage of over two million tourists every year。  

  The 561-kilometer highway connects Dushanzi in the northern area of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China and Kuqa County in the south。 Due to snowy weather and road icing, the Duku Highway has a “hibernation” period, which generally begins in early November and ends in June of the following year。  

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